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Care for Babies, Toddlers, and Preschoolers: A
Reassuring Guide
your child's diagnosis of diabetes, you
might be feeling grief, sadness, or
fear. Everything you need to learn to
take care of your child's diabetes, in
addition to normal parenting issues, can
seem overwhelming. You might even worry
that you may do something wrong to harm
your child.
reassuring guide will help you find a
balance between good diabetes management
and normal life. It explains how
diabetes impacts your child's growth and
development, and gives you plenty of
ideas for dealing with routine diabetes
care. The first book of its kind, it
provides tips on:
- Fitting
diabetes demand into real-life
- Making
injections easier
- Preventing,
detecting, and treating hypoglycemia
- Dealing
with food issues
- Monitoring
blood glucose
- Working
with your child's day care or
- Meeting
the physical, mental, and emotional
needs of your child
- Explaining
diabetes to brothers and sisters
unique guide also includes experiences
and advice from other parents of
children with diabetes and amusing
Family Circus cartoons.
Diabetes Care for Babies, Toddlers, and
0471346764 John Wiley & Sons, 1999
to Raising
a Child With Diabetes 3rd Edition
this newly revised third edition,
parents will learn how to help their
child adjust insulin, have a busy
schedule and still feel healthy,
negotiate the twists and turns of being
"different," accept the many
challenges life has to offer, and much
a child is hard. Add in the day-to-day
challenges that come from having a child
with diabetes, and it becomes even
harder. Luckily, diabetes research and
advancements over the past few years
have made it easier to manage your
child’s care, helping you and your
family get back to a normal life.
Guide to Raising a Child with
Diabetes is an invaluable parenting
tool, featuring the latest advances in
diabetes care, plus parenting advice
from diabetes experts. Learn to navigate
through the normal activities of
childhood and raise your kids to be
strong, confident, and capable of
managing their own diabetes care.
Learn about:
insulin so kids can eat their favorite
- Helping
your child accept insulin injections
- Developing
a meal plan for your whole family
- Raising
a child with type 2 diabetes
- Transitioning
to adult care
books so skillfully present the amount
of information found here. It will be
your helpful companion through periods
of picky eating, sick days, and times
when your child is reluctant to do a
blood test or take an injection.
Guide to Raising A Child With Diabetes 3rd
1-580-40435-8 American Diabetes
Association, 2011.